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Today's Orange Theory Workout Intel – Friday 6/2/23 2G Today's Orange Theory Workout Intel – Friday 6/2/23 2G


Block 1

1 Minute Base @ 3%

1 Minute Base @ 4%

1 Minute Base @ 5%

1 Minute Base

1 Minute All Out

Block 2

2 Minute Push @ 3%

1 Minute Base

90 Second Push @ 4%

1 Minute Base

1 Minute Push @ 5%

1 Minute All Out

Block 3

1 Minute Push @ 5%

1 Minute Base

90 Second Push @ 4%

1 Minute Base

2 Minute Push @ 3%

1 Minute All Out

Rower / Weight Floor

Block 1 - 5 Minutes Circuit

10 Total X Low Band Alt Reverse Lunge With Front Raise

5 X Low Band Walkout

5 Each X Low Band High Plank Single Arm Glide

Block 2 - 7.5 Minutes

2 Rounds Work & Active Recovery:

6 X Deadlift (Heavy)

6 X Seated Upper Cut To Stand (Light)

When Done, Member Choice Of:

Row Or

Continue Exercises

Block 3 - 7.5 Minutes

2 Rounds Work & Active Recovery:

6 X Seated Low Row (Heavy)

6 X Squat To Alt Neutral Grip Front Raise (Light)

When Done, Member Choice Of:

Row Or

Continue Exercises

Finisher: 1 Minute Of Alt Upper Cut Or Alt Neutral Grip Front Raise

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