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Today's Orange Theory Workout Intel – Saturday 4/20/24 2G Today's Orange Theory Workout Intel – Saturday 4/20/24 2G

Repeat of 4/3/24 2G


Block 1

75 Second Push

45 Second Base

30 Second All Out

45 Second Walking Recovery

75 Second Push

30 Second All Out


Block 2

1 Minute Push

1 Minute Base

30 Second All Out

45 Second Walking Recovery

1 Minute Push

30 Second All Out


Block 3

45 Second Push

75 Second Base

30 Second All Out

45 Second Walking Recovery

45 Second Push

30 Second All Out


Block 4

30 Second Push

90 Second Base

30 Second All Out

45 Second Walking Recovery

30 Second Push

30 Second All Out


Weight Floor

Block 1 - 11.25 Minutes

Back To Back Drop Set:

6 - 10 X High Row (Heavy)

High Row (Light), Rest

Back To Back Drop Set:

6 - 10 X Goblet Squat (Heavy)

Goblet Squat (Light), Rest


Block 2 - 10.25 Minutes

Back To Back Drop Set:

6 - 10 X Chest Press (Heavy)

Chest Press (Light), Rest

Back To Back Drop Set:

6 - 10 X Sumo Deadlift (Heavy)

Sumo Deadlift (Light), Rest


Repeat Until Finisher - Member’s Choice:

30 Second Of High Row Or

30 Second Of Goblet Squat Or

30 Second Of Chest Press Or

30 Second Of Sumo Deadlift


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