OTFInsider.com Today's Orange Theory Workout Intel – Saturday 5/11/24 2G
Block 1
1 Minute Push
1 Minute Base
90 Second Push
1 Minute Base
2 Minute Push
1 Minute Base
2.5 Minute Push
1 Minute All Out
Block 2
2.5 Minute Push
1 Minute Base
2 Minute Push
1 Minute Base
90 Second Push
1 Minute Base
1 Minute Push
1 Minute All Out
Rower / Weight Floor
Block 1 - 11 Minutes Circuit Add-On
Round 1:
12 X Low Row
200m Push Row (22-24 Strokes / Minute)
Round 2:
12 X Low Row
12 Each X Split Squat With Rotation
200m Push Row (22-24 Strokes / Minute)
Round 3:
12 X Low Row
12 Each X Split Squat With Rotation
12 Total X Decline High Plank Alt Toe Tap
200m Push Row (22-24 Strokes / Minute)
Bonus: Pick Your Two Favorite Exercises And Repeat Until Time Called
Block 2 - 11 Minutes Circuit Take Away
Round 1:
12 X Close Grip Chest Press
12 Each X Single Arm Split Stance Deadlift
12 X Torso Rotation
20 Stroke Push Row (22 - 24 Strokes / Minute)
Round 2:
12 X Close Grip Chest Press
12 Each X Single Arm Split Stance Deadlift
20 Stroke Push Row (22 - 24 Strokes / Minute)
Round 3:
12 X Close Grip Chest Press
20 Stroke Push Row (22 - 24 Strokes / Minute)
Bonus: Pick Your Two Favorite Exercises And Repeat Until Finisher:
1 Minute All Out Row Or
1 Minute Of Decline High Plank Alt Toe Tap