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Today's Orange Theory Workout Intel – Sunday 1/1/23 2G Today's Orange Theory Workout Intel – Sunday 1/1/23 2G


Block 1

1 Minute Base

1 Minute Base To Push

1 Minute Push

1 Minute Push To All Out

1 Minute All Out

1 Minute Walking Recovery

4.5 Minute Tread For Distance

Check Distance

Block 2

4.5 Minute Tread For Distance

1 Minute Walking Recovery

1 Minute Base

1 Minute Base To Push

1 Minute Push

1 Minute Push

1 Minute Push To All Out

1 Minute All Out

Check Distance - Try To Match Or Beat Your Distance From Block 1

Rower / Weight Floor

Block 1 - 10.5 Minutes

4 Rounds Back To Back:

6 Each X Single Arm Reverse Lunge To Full Lateral Step Up

8 X Reverse Fly

10 X Straight Leg Raise (Bench), Rest

200m / 150m / 100m / 50m All Out Row

Bonus: Repeat All Exercises As A Single Block Until Time

Block 2 - 10.5 Minutes

4 Rounds Back To Back:

6 X Squat To Press

8 X TRX High Row

10 Total X Low Plank Hip Rocks, Rest

200m / 150m / 100m/ 50m All Out Row

Bonus: Repeat All Exercises As A Single Block Until Finisher

Finisher: 1 Minute Of Decline High Plank Alt Toe Tap

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