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Today's Orange Theory Workout Intel – Thursday 4/7/22 2G Today's Orange Theory Workout Intel – Thursday 4/7/22 2G


Block 1

3 min push

1 min base

2 min push

1 min base

1 min push

1 min base

30 sec push

1 min AO

Block 2

1 min push

3 min base

1 min push

2 min base

1 min push

1 min base

90 sec push to all out

Rower / Weight Floor

Block 1 - 10.5

2 rounds of work & rest:

6 each x reverse lunge to step up, rest

12 x TRX kneeling rollout, rest

150m AO row (once only)

2 rounds of work & rest:

6 total x alternating close grip chest press, rest

6 each x TRX single arm low row, rest

150m AO row (once only)

If finished then do all exercises as a single block

Block 2 - 10.5 minutes

2 rounds of work & rest:

6 each x half kneeling single arm to lateral step

6 each x TRX lateral leg lift

150m AO row (once only)

2 rounds of work & rest:

6 x chest fly

6 each x TRX reach & rotate

150m AO row (once only)

Continue with exercises until finisher

Finisher: 1 minute of alternating close grip chest press

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