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Today's Orange Theory Workout Intel – Tuesday 8/1/23 2G Today's Orange Theory Workout Intel – Tuesday 8/1/23 2G


Goal - Return To Your Tread For Distance Speed After Each Surge

5.5 Minute Tread For Distance

90 Second Surge (Increase Pace)

6.5 Minute Tread For Distance

90 Second Surge

6.5 Minute Tread For Distance

1 Minute Surge

30 Second All Out

Weight Floor - Block 1 - 4.5 Minute Circuit

6 - 10 Total X Alt Sumo Dead Lift

6 - 10 Each X Half Kneeling Wood Chopper

6 - 10 Each X Split Stance Single Arm High Row To Low Row

6 - 10 X Tricep Kick Back

Rower - Block 1

90 Second Push To All Out Row

Check Distance

Weight Floor - Block 2 - 4.5 Minute Circuit

Begin Where You Left Off

6 - 10 Total X Alt Sumo Dead Lift

6 - 10 Each X Half Kneeling Wood Chopper

6 - 10 Each X Split Stance Single Arm High Row To Low Row

6 - 10 X Tricep Kick Back

Rower - Block 2

Goal - Match Or Beat Your Distance From Block 1

90 Second Push To All Out Row

Check Distance

Weight Floor - Block 3 - 4.5 Minute Circuit

Begin Where You Left Off

6 - 10 Total X Alt Sumo Dead Lift

6 - 10 Each X Half Kneeling Wood Chopper

6 - 10 Each X Split Stance Single Arm High Row To Low Row

6 - 10 X Tricep Kick Back

Rower - Block 3

Goal - Match Or Beat Your Previous Best Distance

90 Second Push To All Out Row, Last 30 Second Is An All Out Row

Check Distance

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