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Tuesday 10/22/19 – 2G Endurance

Tuesday 10/22/19 – 2G Endurance

Block 1

45 Second Push

1 Minute Base

1 Minute Push

1 Minute Base

90 Second Push

1 Minute Base

2 Minute Push

30 Second All Out

Block 2

1 Minute Push

1 Minute Base

90 Second Push

1 Minute Base

2 Minute Push

30 Second All Out

Block 3

90 Second Push

1 Minute Base

2 Minute Push

30 Second All Out

Floor / Row

Block 1 3 - Mini Bands - Monster Walk

12 - Mini Bands - Bench Tap Squat

Complete above Twice

150 M Row 12 - Dumbbell - Shoulder Press

150 M Row 11 - Dumbbell - Shoulder Press

150 M Row Repeat Until Time Is Called – Reducing Shoulder Press By One Each Time

Note Total How Far You Get On Rep Count

Block 2 3 - Mini Bands - Lateral Walks

12 - Mini Bands - Squat With A Leg Kickback

3 - Mini Bands - Lateral Walks

12 - Mini Bands - Squat With A Leg Kickback

150m Row

Block 1 Rep Count - Dumbbell - Shoulder Press

150 M Row

Repeat Until Time Is Called – Reducing Shoulder Press By One Each Time

Note Total How Far You Get On Rep Count

Block 3

12 - Mini Bands - Palms To Elbow

12 - Mini Bands - Palms To Elbow

150m Row Block 1 Rep Count - Dumbbell - Shoulder Press

Repeat Until Time Is Called – Reducing Shoulder Press By One Each Time

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