OTFInsider.com Today's Orange Theory Workout Intel – Monday 7/15/24 2G
Treadmill - 23 Minutes
Block 1 - 7.5 Minutes
Goal: Hold Your Base, Adjust Push If Needed
2.5 Minute Push
2.5 Minute Base
1 Minute Push
1 Minute Base
30 Second All Out
Block 2 - 14.5 Minutes
Goal: Hold Your Base, Adjust Push If Needed
1 Minute Push
1 Minute Base
90 Second Push
90 Second Base
2 Minute Push
2 Minute Base
2.5 Minute Push
2.5 Minute Base
30 Second All Out
Rower / Weight Floor
Block 1 - 2.5 Minutes Back To Back
6 X Walkout To High Plank Jack
6 Total X Push Up (Explosive) To Alt High Side Plank
6 X Plank Pop
Bonus: Bear Plank Hold, Rest As Needed
Block 2 - 18.5 Minutes
Round 1:
6 X Walkout To High Plank Jack
6 X Squat To Hammer Curl To Neutral Grip Thruster
6 X Hip Hinge Swing
6 X Bridge Hold With Pullover
400m Push Row
Round 2:
6 Total X Push Up (Explosive) To Alt High Side Plank
6 X Squat To Hammer Curl To Neutral Grip Thruster
6 X Hip Hinge Swing
6 X Bridge Hold With Pullover
400m Push Row
Round 3:
6 X Plank Pop
6 X Squat To Hammer Curl To Neutral Grip Thruster
6 X Hip Hinge Swing
6 X Bridge Hold With Pullover
400m Push Row
Bonus: Pick Your Favorite Exercises And Repeat Until Finisher: Member’s Choice Of:
30 Second Of Walkout To High Plank Jack Or
30 Second Of Push Up (Explosive) To Alt High Side Plank Or
30 Second Of Plank Pop Or
30 Second Of Squat To Hammer Curl To Neutral Grip Thruster Or
30 Second Of Hip Hinge Swing Or
30 Second Of Bridge Hold With Pullover Or
30 Second All Out Row