OTFInsider.com Today's Orange Theory Workout Intel – Tuesday 11/21/23 3G
1 Minute Push
1 Minute Base
90 Second Push
90 Second Base
2 Minute Push
2 Minute Base
2.5 Minute Push
2.5 Minute Base
30 Second All Out
Block 1 - 7 Minutes Circuit
200m All Out Row (0:30 - 1:00) - Count And Remember Strokes
5 Each X Low Band Reverse Lunge W/ Torso Rotation
Block 2 - 7.5 Minute Circuit
100m All Out Row (0:30 - 1:00) - Count And Remember Strokes
8 X Low Band Deadlift To Low Row
Repeat Until Finisher: 30 Second All Out Row
Weight Floor
Block 1 - 7 Minutes Work & Rest
6 X Clean, Rest
6 Total X Alt Tall Kneeling To Squat To Jump, Rest
12 Total X High Plank Alt Toe Tap, Rest
Block 2 - 7.5 Minutes Work & Rest
6 X High Pull With Power, Rest
12 Total X Lateral Hop Over, Rest
12 Total X Seated Torso Rotation, Rest
Repeat Until Finisher: 30 Second Of Lateral Hop Overs