OTFInsider.com Today's Orange Theory Workout Intel – Tuesday 8/15/23 2G
Block 1 - 10 minutes
0.2 mile run @ 1%
0.15 mile run @ 2%, adding 1% incline each round
Check highest incline achieved
Block 2 - 11.5 minutes
0.2 mile run @ 1%
0.15 mile run @ highest incline from block 1, removing 1% incline each round
If finished 2% round then next round add 1% incline
Last 30 second ALL OUT @ 1%
Rower / Weight Floor
Block 1 - 10 minutes
Buy-in: 200m push row, count and remember strokes
Circuit - two rounds of:
8 x low band squat hold lateral walk
8 x low band hammer curl
8 x low band knee tuck
Buy-out: 200m push row, check strokes (once only)
If finished then repeat exercises only
Block 2 - 11.5 minutes
Two rounds:
Drop set 1 - 1 min to complete:
6 - 10 x deadlift (heavy)
Bodyweight good mornings til time
20 second rest
Drop set 2 - 1 min to complete:
6 - 10 x close grip chest press (heavy)
knee tricep push up (using bench) til time
20 second rest
Drop set 3 - 1 min to complete:
6 - 10 x alt full step up
Bodyweight alt full step up til time
20 second rest
Drop set 4 - 1 min to complete:
6 - 10 x full v up (with dumbbell)
crunch hold with scissors til time
20 second rest
Finisher: 30 second of member’s choice of any of the above exercises